We know staying active in the Winter can be a harder task, but we have tips and hints to keep you active, healthy and injury free this Winter.
Get inspired with Winter Sports A great way to stay inspired during the Winter is by taking part in a team based sport like Football, Rugby and Netball. When playing Winter sports it’s important to listen to your body. Make sure you get the most out of Winter exercise by keeping on top of warming up, stretching, cooling down and managing any niggling pain and or injuries.
Netball: Netball is the most popular team sport in Australia and is the highest female participation sport in Australia. Reliant on muscular endurance with bursts of rapid acceleration, sudden and rapid changes in direction in combination with jumping - injuries can be common. Adult netball players most often sustain injuries to the ankles, knees and hands.
If you play, or are thinking of playing netball, make an appointment with one of our physiotherapists and/ or podiatrists who can assess any potential musculoskeletal problems that may contribute to overuse injuries in Netball.
Rugby: Rugby season is in full swing and being a fast-moving, high intensity team sport injuries are common. With reported injury rates being nearly three times higher than soccer and mostly amongst 10 - 18 year olds (adults aged 25–34 years are also high risk) - it’s important to prepare yourself to prevent injuries wherever possible.
Our top tips include;
make sure your boots are properly fitted
warm up appropriately before training and games, especially important in the cold weather
practice your tackling and correct falling techniques
if injury occurs seek proper assistance to aid full rehabilitation.
make an appointment with one of our podiatrists and/or physiotherapists. Our team are qualified in sports care and can help you with pain or injury.
Football/Soccer: With football and soccer season already well under way, here are some simple tips to help you get through the season injury free.
Update your runners and boots. By updating your runners and boots annually, you can easily avoid common football injuries such as stress fractures, shin splints, Achilles issues and ankle sprains.
Make sure you’re wearing the right shoe size. It may come as a surprise that most of us are actually in the wrong shoe size – either too big or too small.
Check if you need orthotics when exercising/playing sport. Not everyone does, however some of us who roll in or out too much, may require additional support (more than what can be offered in pair of runners) during fitness activities.
Make an appointment with one of our podiatrists. For more information on football boots, runners, orthotics, or any other lower limb concerns that you may have whilst playing sport or exercising.
The key is to get out and active during the colder months and don't leave thinking about your health and fitness until the warmer weather has arrived. Use your friends and team mates to help encourage you out of the house during the cold nights which is proven to help with motivation.
If these team sports aren't your thing you can still use the same premise of getting active alongside a friend which will keep you on track. Also make sure you devote some time to warming up properly and stretching afterwards which will help prevent injuries.
If you do get an injury or suffer from niggling pain, make sure you get it seen to early so that it doesn't get worse or inhibit your activity. Book and manage your appointments online here.